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Our Palm Beach Sex Crime Lawyer Explains Entrapment Defense Strategies

You’ve been accused of a sex crime you didn’t commit or intend to commit. Instead, you were charged with a sex crime after law enforcement used sting operations to catch you seeking to engage in illegal sexual activities. While sting operations can be legal and result in a Florida sex crime conviction, you may have the right to raise an entrapment defense if the police did not follow the proper procedures.

 A sex crime conviction could result in jail time, fines, and a criminal record that affects your employment. Accordingly, we encourage you to contact an experienced Palm Beach sex crime defense lawyer at the Law Offices of Robert David Malove to protect your rights and help you defend yourself against these serious charges.

Entrapment in Sex Crime Cases: Understanding the Defense

Legally, entrapment occurs when law enforcement convinces a person to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. The key is that the idea to commit the crime originated with law enforcement, not the defendant. In sex crime cases, entrapment might involve undercover officers posing as minors online and aggressively pursuing communication or elaborate sting operations that go beyond simply providing an opportunity to commit a crime.

As the defendant, you have the burden of proving entrapment if you raise it as a defense. You must convince the court that

  1. The idea for the crime originated with law enforcement
  2. You were induced to commit the crime by law enforcement, and 
  3. You were not predisposed to commit the crime before the inducement

The court may consider whether you were predisposed to commit the crime regardless of police conduct.

An entrapment defense could help you avoid a sex crime conviction, but it can be challenging to convince the court that an entrapment occurred. Our experienced Palm Beach sex crime defense lawyers can gather evidence and make skilled arguments so that the judge understands what really happened.

Florida Sex Crimes: What Are the Charges Against You?

Florida sex crimes include, but are not limited to:

  • Sexual battery. Sexual batteries involve non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration. The severity of the charge depends on factors like the use of force, the age of the victim, and whether drugs were involved.
  • Lewd or lascivious conduct. These charges typically involve touching someone in a sexual without their consent or having sexual activity with someone under 16. The severity of the charge depends on the specific act and the ages of those involved. Penalties can be especially harsh when the offender is an adult and the victim is a child.
  • Prostitution. Solicitation involves requesting or convincing another person to engage in prostitution. Even if no sexual act occurs, the act of solicitation is illegal. Penalties increase for repeat offenses or if minors are involved.
  • Possession, distribution, or production of child pornography. Florida takes a zero-tolerance approach to child exploitation materials. Even possessing a single image can lead to criminal charges, with each image potentially treated as a separate offense.
  • Indecent exposure. Exposing or exhibiting one's sexual organs in a public place or on private premises in a vulgar or indecent manner is a crime. 
  • Voyeurism. Secretly observing someone in a place where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy for one's own sexual gratification is a crime in Florida. This can include using hidden cameras or peeping into windows, for example.

Exploring all possible defenses, including entrapment if applicable, is crucial if you're facing sex crime charges.

The Importance of Raising Entrapment and Other Applicable Defenses

When facing sex crime charges, it is essential to explore every possible defense strategy. Raising an entrapment defense and any other applicable defenses can be crucial in protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome for your case.

Here's why it's important to consider all of your defense options:

  • Potential case dismissal. A successful entrapment defense can lead to the dismissal of charges. This outcome can save you from the significant consequences of a sex crime conviction, including potential imprisonment and lifelong sex offender registration.
  • Negotiating leverage. Even if an entrapment defense doesn't result in a complete dismissal, it can provide leverage in plea negotiations. Prosecutors may be more willing to reduce charges or offer favorable plea deals when faced with a strong defense strategy.
  • Protecting your constitutional rights. Entrapment defenses often involve scrutinizing law enforcement tactics. This process may uncover other potential rights violations, such as illegal searches or Miranda rights issues, which could further strengthen your case.
  • Challenging evidence. Building an entrapment defense often involves a thorough review of all evidence. This can lead to discovering weaknesses in the prosecution's case or identifying exculpatory evidence that supports your innocence.
  • Tailoring your defense. Every case is unique. By exploring multiple defense strategies, including entrapment, your lawyer can craft a defense approach tailored to your case's specific circumstances.
  • Educating the jury. If your case goes to trial, presenting an entrapment defense can help educate the jury about the complexities of sex crime investigations. This understanding can lead to more nuanced deliberations and potentially more favorable outcomes.

Remember, the goal is to avoid conviction and protect your reputation, freedom, and future. A comprehensive defense strategy that considers all angles, including entrapment when applicable, could help you fight challenging sex crime charges.

How Our Palm Beach Sex Crimes Lawyer Can Help

You don’t have to handle your criminal defense alone. At the Law Offices of Robert David Malove, our Palm Beach sex crimes lawyers are committed to providing comprehensive and strategic defenses for our clients. When you hire us, we will:

  1. Thoroughly evaluate your case. We start by conducting a comprehensive review of your case. This includes examining police reports, witness statements, and any physical or digital evidence. We look for inconsistencies, procedural errors, or constitutional violations.
  2. Explore all defense options. While entrapment might be a viable defense, it's not the only strategy we consider. We explore all possible defenses, including consent issues, mistaken identity, lack of evidence, or violations of your constitutional rights.
  3. Build a strong entrapment defense, if applicable. If entrapment appears to be a viable defense, we meticulously gather evidence to support this claim. This might involve analyzing communication records, investigating the tactics used by law enforcement, and demonstrating your lack of predisposition to commit the alleged crime.
  4. Negotiate with prosecutors, as appropriate. Often, a strong defense strategy can lead to favorable plea negotiations. We will push for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options when appropriate.
  5. Prepare for trial. If your case goes to trial, we leave no stone unturned in preparing a compelling defense. This includes preparing you for testimony, cross-examining prosecution witnesses, and presenting a clear, persuasive narrative to the jury.
  6. Protect your rights. From the moment you engage our services, we work tirelessly to protect your rights. This includes advising you on interactions with law enforcement, representing you at all court appearances, and fighting against any attempt to violate your constitutional rights.
  7. Help you be treated fairly. Even in challenging cases, our goal is always to minimize the impact on your life. This might involve arguing for alternative sentencing, rehabilitation programs, or other options that can help you avoid the most severe consequences of a conviction.

Our team's experience and dedication can make a crucial difference in the outcome of your case. While we can't guarantee specific results, we invite you to review our case results and client testimonials to get a sense of the positive outcomes we've achieved for past clients facing similar charges.