Can I get out of a DUI? Do I need an attorney? How much does an attorney cost? These are probably the most common questions we get. Turn to our DUI FAQs section for the answers to these and many other important questions about fighting DUI charges in Florida. Our attorneys provide the complete, accurate answers you need to make the best possible decisions about your defense.
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Should I be concerned about a DUI insurance increase after a Florida drunk driving conviction?
What is a Florida DUI diversion program and is it right for me?
Can I be charged with drunk driving if I was pulled over and sleeping in my car in Key West?
Will a DUI conviction affect my car insurance in Palm Beach?
How long does a DUI stay on your record in Florida?
What Makes a DUI Stop Legal in Key West?
Can I plead guilty to a lesser charge for my Key West DUI?
How Can I Get My Driver's License Back After A Key West DUI Conviction?
Can I Be Arrested For Drunk Driving In Palm Beach If My BAC Was Under 0.08%?
What Happens If I Get A DUI While Driving On A Suspended License In Key West?
Is It Possible To Plea Bargain In A Palm Beach DUI Case?
How can I fight an administrative suspension of my license after a DUI in Florida?